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YouTube Space Lab In Your Classroom

Why Get Involved?

We created YouTube Space Lab to inspire students and empower educators around the world with a unique teaching opportunity. While students are the stars of Space Lab, schools are central to the program’s success. Whether fully integrating Space Lab into the school day or promoting it as an extracurricular activity, schools play a critical role in ensuring that as many students as possible get to be part of this incredible competition. 

YouTube Space Lab is not only an extraordinary opportunity for students, but also for teachers. The YouTube Space Lab channel will serve as a home for the best space and science-related videos in the world. We believe that this content, and the topic of space in general, can be a valuable addition to your classroom, and will help inspire your students about their science curriculum. In addition, the schools of the winning students will get recognition at the end of the competition. 

We have provided further guidance and resources below to help you get involved.

Helping Your Students Enter YouTube Space Lab

Here are some tips for getting started:
  1. Check out the YouTube Space Lab channel ( and review the Official Rules. The How to Enter guide in the Competition section of the channel explains how to enter and includes the important experiment guidelines, which must be taken into account when designing a space experiment. The FAQs also cover the basics of entering the competition in a simple format.
  2. Direct your students to the YouTube Space Lab channel to register either as an individual or in teams of up to three.
  3. Discuss the experiment guidelines and entry process with your students. All entrants must have parental or guardian approval to enter the competition. Since this takes time, it’s imperative to register for the competition early. Entrants should also not wait until the last day to submit a video in case they have technical difficulties. No late entries will be accepted. We’ll start accepting entries from October 11th, 2011; submissions will close at midnight PST on December 7th, 2011.
  4. Start immersing your students in the scientific method and show them the space-related science videos and playlists that are on the channel in the Discover Space section.
  5. Assist your students in developing their ideas for their video and encourage them to be creative by, for example, including sketches, designs or prototypes while they explain their experiment. Check out the example entries on the channel. Remember, entries must include an introduction, the hypothesis, a proposed method and their expected results.
  6. Finally, assist your students in recording and uploading their entries to YouTube and then submitting them to the YouTube Space Lab channel.

Teacher Resources

Lesson Plan

This lesson plan outlines a possible approach for delivering a single or multi-day lesson around the science of space and the YouTube Space Lab competition. Included in this document are learning objectives, lesson elements, rubrics for evaluation, and academic standards. This document along with the following teaching rubrics were developed by the Lenovo Education team and Dr. Kemi Jona of Northwestern University. Go to for more information.

Space Science Video Content

The YouTube Space Lab channel will serve as a home for creating, sharing, and discovering the best space and science-related videos in the world. The topics covered are designed to align with school curriculums around the world, and should therefore work well as classroom material to help build interest or introduce a particular lesson or subject.

Below are some of the video playlist topics that you will be able to find in the Discover Space section of the channel:

  • Discover Rocket Science: Engines, Newton’s Laws, chemical thermodynamics, gravity, conservation of momentum and energy
  • Discover Weightlessness: Microgravity, circular motion, elastic & inelastic collisions, liquids in space
  • Discover Nothingness: Science of a vacuum, gases and their properties, heat, laws of thermodynamics, electromagnetic waves
  • Discover Living in Space: Needs of the human body, combating disease, exercise and diet, animals and plants in space
  • Discover Earth from Above: Solar energy, the greenhouse effect, heating of the Earth: Wind and ocean currents, biochemical cycles of the Earth, the atmosphere, climate & weather
  • Discover Earth’s Place in the Solar System: Structure & history of the Solar System, history of the Earth, the Sun and its nuclear processes, asteroids
  • Discover The Milky Way and Beyond: The Milky Way and other galaxies, lifecycle of stars, the Universe, the Big Bang
  • Discover The Scientific Process: The scientific process, the application of space science on Earth, experiments on the ISS, your experiment on the ISS

Physical Resources

Please feel free to download and print the YouTube Space Lab poster, and display it in your classroom!